Friday, January 8, 2016

The Beginning

So, here's the thing... I have a lot of little thoughts. Constant thoughts.

Short ones. 

Long ones. 

Thoughts when I am driving. 

Thoughts while I salsa through my Zumba class.

Thoughts popping up when I am hanging laundry.

Sometimes even when I least expect it like when I am half way through doing a burpee (I know right?! How random!)

Most of the times, these thoughts creep up on me when I am just about to fall asleep. A thought so good (well, in my head anyway) that I want to write it down so I can keep it forever but am usually too sleepy to do. Hence, by the morning, this super awesome thought joins the million other thoughts that disappear in my head. I like to imagine them drifting off to some Thought Heaven.... Sipping a cocktail by the Thought Heaven pool. On hiatus.

I am sure I am not alone and that millions of other people have this same experience. After all, the average human brain has about 100 billion brain cells and each of these may be connected to up to 10,000 other brain cells. And you know what these brain cells are constantly doing? They are passing signals to each other via as many as 1,000 trillion synaptic connections (thank you Google 😆)!!! Try getting your head around that thought. Can you imagine your brain synapsing left, right and centre?! I can. I picture them to be like little sparks of electricity - kinda like mini fireworks in my head. That is pretty cool. 

Ever since I can remember, I have always loved writing. For a few years now, I have entertained the idea of penning down my thoughts. Lately, my millions of thoughts that were all previously on hiatus has been knocking persistently on Thought Heaven's door. They demanded I let them out. So maybe, just maybe, it might be time time to start doing what I love again. 

But here is the catch - this will not be an ordinary blog. I warn you now that it could get quite disorderly, random and often times crazy! I could be talking about everything and anything under the sun. I find writing cathartic. I guess I am really doing this for myself. In the process of doing so, if people read it and find some solace in my ramblings, then that is an added bonus.

In addition, I also love taking photographs. So let me throw that in there as well. 

Now, the title. It was quite difficult to come up with one. There was a title I held on to for years and I thought it would work but alas, it didn't. So I finally came up with one that aptly describes me - it is a play on my nickname. And since I am forever a frustrated actress, I thought the name I came up with for this blog was perfect. 

Therefore, I am happy to announce the birth of Rheel Life ... Born on January 9, 2016... 7 pounds 6 ounces ... 19 inches.. Born from love, happiness, life and everything in between.

Buckle up people... You are in for a bumpy ride. 
Happy Reading! ☺️🙃


  1. Can't wait to read about more ramblings! ❤

    1. Thanks Enrico 😊 I was so excited to see my first comment! 😆

  2. Looking forward to your thoughts! I am doing the same this year as a resolution, but on paper �� xxx

  3. Awesome! Looking forward to future blogs! This is a perfect outlet for you❤️
