Friday, January 22, 2016

Green Ice-Cream With Pink Sprinkles

My eyes opened up suddenly this morning, ripping me away from a dream and delivering me back into reality. I contemplated sleeping some more but I already had a lot on my mind this Thursday morning. A list of little things to do in my head before I had to scoot off to work. I grabbed my phone and checked messages and notifications like I do every morning...

Instagram (@rheerhee) - Wow! A few new followers and 99 likes on a new photo I posted last night.

Snapchat (rhee4rheel) - My friend sent me a photo of her having trouble getting up early this morning. Sent a photo back of me still in bed. Woohoo! We are on a 57 day straight streak of sending each other silly photos.

Facebook - meh... Decided to check it later as there were a few notifications I didn't want to read through just yet.

Clash of Clans (rheecrazee) - collected gold, collected elixir, collected dark elixir, checked my troops and raided a base. Woo hoo! I got a star.

I clicked on a new app I got yesterday. Bloglovin'. I had been trying to "claim" my blog in it but was unable to do so last night. I eventually gave up and fell asleep. So this morning, I made it my mission to "claim" my Rheel Life blog! I Googled instructions on how to do it. Within 10 minutes I was able to claim my blog and add two widgets onto my blog! I say it like I knew what just happened but I have no idea. I was a little excited that I have a new widget thingy on my blog now... Actually make that two widget thingies - mind riveting stuff!

Finally jumped out of bed when I realised that I spent half an hour on my phone. There were things to do! 


Straight to kitchen. I found Toto munching on something. I greeted him good morning and found he was eating crunchy kale. 

"Oh my gosh you finished it," I laughed.

"It's so good Mummy," he smiled, his teeth dotted with green flecks.

I drank a glass of water. Morning ritual. Then set out to do what I needed to do.

Sliced brownies in half for the trifle I made for a luncheon at work - tick!

Place half the brownies onto individual panna cotta cups I made last night - 24 in total - tick!

Pack the rest of the brownies away to assemble the trifle when I get into work - tick! 

Pack the strawberries and raspberry conserve mixture for said trifle - tick!

Pack double cream for said trifle again - tick!

Checked with workmate regarding pizza order I made for party. Not enough pizzas. Ordered some more - tick!

Made myself two sunny side up eggs for breakfast - tick!

In true Rhyanne fashion, I over estimated time and found myself twiddling my thumbs as I waited for my coffee to come out of the machine. I had done everything I needed to do in half the time. As I stood there and smelt the coffee, Tata came out to the kitchen and greeted me, her bed hair and sleepy eyes looking up at me.

"Good mawnin' Mummy," she said sleepily. 

I scooped her up in my arms and buried my face in her small neck. I said good morning back into her neck and she giggled as she got tickled. She squirmed down from my embrace as I asked her what she wanted for breakfast. The usual, strawberry jam and butter on two slices of bread - no crust, and a glass of milk. 

We sat next to each other on the dining table as we finished breakfast. I was watching a show on my iPad when she took out her ice cream Playdoh set and sat next to me again. 

As I was getting engrossed in the drama that ensued between the two characters on my favourite soap opera, Tata started to sing a song. It was a song she had made up. She makes up a lot of songs. In fact, if she is not chattering, she is singing. If she is not singing a pop song, she makes up one. If she is not singing, she will be humming. Music revolves around her life. She reminded me of my grandmother, Mommy Fely. Growing up, I would always hear her singing or humming tunes. It was comforting to know my daughter does the same.

I tuned out of the show and turned to Tata, her unruly curls I had tied back in a hasty bun. She was still singing a made up song as she made me a "special surprise". She noticed me looking at her and she smiled at me.

"I'll miss this Tata," I said as I hugged her again. I gave her lots of kisses on her cheek and she giggled once more. 

"Why Mummy?" She asked as I let her go and she continued to play.

"Because you will be going to school this year," I said, a hint of sadness in my voice that she picked up on because she pouted. "I will miss Mummy and Tata time."

"I'll be sad Mummy," she said. "Do you want sprinkles on your ice cream Mummy?"

"Don't be sad Tata," I said gently, hugging her tightly to me and placing lots more kisses on her cheeks. 

"Mummy, do you want sprinkles?" She asked once again.

"Yes please," I laughed. "Pink ones!"

She started to sing again.

"I made up the song Mummy," she declared proudly, putting the finishing touches on my surprise ice cream.

"You're very clever," I smiled. "I will miss hearing you sing when you are at school."

"I will miss you too Mummy," she smiled back before presenting me with her Playdoh creation. "Tadaaaaa! It's for you!"

In front of me sat an ice cream cone with green Playdoh ice cream and pink sprinkles. It was the most colourful ice cream I have seen yet. 

"I love it!" I exclaimed. "Can I take a photo of it?"

"Yes you can Mummy," Tata said proudly. 

And just like that, that super awesome ice cream my curly haired daughter made kicked my strawberry and brownie trifle's butt.

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