Monday, January 25, 2016

Shut Up and Dance With Me

Three evenings ago, just as I finished cleaning the kitchen, I glanced up at the clock in the lounge room. It was bedtime. Time escaped me... Again! Story of my life.

"Okay guys," I said, walking up to the kids who were seated in front of the TV, playing Little Big Planet. I listened to them laugh, giggle, banter, laugh some more for the last half hour as I tidied the kitchen. 

"I know," Toto said knowingly. "Brush teeth."

"Yup!" I confirmed.

"Okay Mummy," he said right away as he got up and placed his controller on the floor next to his sister. "I'll do it now."

Off he sauntered into the bathroom as the little miss still sat on the floor, intently playing.

"Hello?" I called out to her. "You too Tata."

"Mummy, one last level please," she implored.

"Okay," I relented. "But as soon as that is finished, up you get."

She chattered on after agreeing with me. I had no idea what was happening in the game but she spoke to me like I did. I looked at what was happening for a while. Nope, still no idea.

Toto came back out in pyjamas and fresh minty breath.

"Oh no I died!" Wailed Tata dramatically. "I have to do that again."

"Excuse me," I cleared my throat, putting on an equally dramatic voice. "Last level. Deal didn't include starting again."

As Toto turned off the game for his pouting sister, I ordered Tata to the bathroom. She sulkily made her way there with an Oscar winning performance, complete with side glance to make sure I was watching.

After she had brushed her teeth I called her back to the lounge room.

"Okay guys, let's all tidy up the lounge room," I announced as I put on our current favourite song on my phone. I cranked up the volume and the first notes of the melody played.

"I'm tired Mummy," Tata grumbled, her eyes half closed for emphasis. I tell you, she's good! "I don't want to clean. I want to go to sleep."

"C'mon, let's go," I urged her as Toto and I began dancing around as we picked up cushions and toys off the floor.

Toto had a dance of his own going on... He was rocking it. Tata watched us and began to dance around a little bit initially. By the time the chorus hit, we were all jumping around singing out loud.

"Oh don't you dare look back
Just keep your eyes on me.
I said you're holding back,
She said shut up and dance with me!
This woman is my destiny
She said oh oh oh
Shut up and dance with me!"

The same song played three times! Toto and Tata were having so much fun. Tata's mood shifted considerably and she was in a happier disposition. 

Not long after their little dance session, the lounge was tidied and they were off to bed.

Tonight, they asked for the same song to be played while we tidied up the lounge at the end of the day. Winning! Days like these I feel like I am doing something right *insert proud grin here* 

Pass go and collect $200 woohoo!

I have to go now... Off to dance and tidy up the house with the kiddies. 

Goodnight all!

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