Friday, January 29, 2016

Car Conversations One Friday Evening

"What does p,p,o,o spell?" Tata giggled.

"Puh, puh, ooh!" I called out from the front seat of hubby's car.

"What does p,p,n,o,o spell?"'she continued, giggling some more.

"Puh, puh, nooooh," I laughed. 

"Hey Tata, what is 5 times 5?" Mateo interjected. "Figure that one out."

Silence from the back seat.

A few seconds later....

"Hey Mummy," Tata's voice spoke up. "Look at Kuya'sfunny face!"

More giggles.

*Kuya means big brother in Tagalog

* * *

"Daddy, I'm hot," Tata's voice called out from the backseat. "Can we please turn on the aircon to medium?"

"Okay," Hubby said as he cranked it up a smidge. 

Silence for a second.

"Mummy, I'm thirsty," Tata whined as we were a block away from home. 

"Good timing," I said. "We're nearly home."

"But I can have the water from the water bottle," she told me.

"Yes," I agreed. "You can have it at home."

"Everything is at home," she sighed.

"And the message finally sinks in," Hubby chuckled.

* * *

"Once upon a time," Toto began solemnly. "There was a girl called Tata and she had a big butt."

"Stop!" Tata cried out. "I don't have a big butt!"

"Okay, once upon a time, there was a girl called Tata and she had a funny face," Toto continued tormenting his sister.

"Stop it!" Tata's shrill voice filled the car.

"Once upon a time," Toto began once more. "There was a Princess named Tata and she was very beautiful."

"Kuya, stop!" Tata automatically cried out.

"What?" Toto said incredulously. "You don't want to be a beautiful Princess?"

"Oh yes," Tata spoke gracefully. "I am a beautiful Princess."

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