Monday, February 15, 2016

Tick Tock Ticking Time

I was rushing this morning and I saw Tata sitting still on her seat, her breakfast untouched in front of her.

"Tata!" I blurted out, my buzzing head not able to comprehend why she hadn't started eating yet. "Eat! Start eating! Why haven't you eaten?!"

She turned to me and smiled slowly.

"I was watching the sun mummy," she told me calmly. "See?"

I looked outside, past all the rushing and stressing around, past the time ticking away, past the buzzing in my head. 

There it was. The sunshine spreading a golden hue on our backyard. It was magical.

And all the rushing stopped. 

I remember Ferris Bueller saying in the movie...

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.

This was it. 

I chose to stop and look around with Little Miss.

We both looked out for a brief moment just enjoying the view.

Then slowly, Tata picked up her piece of bread and took a big bite.

Time started again, but this time, I wasn't in such a rush. That little moment just made my day and it had only begun. This not so little miss just reminded me a life long lesson.




How about you? Have you enjoyed the sunshine this morning yet?

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