Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Happy Hump Day Date at Wolfe and Co.

Scene One: Entrance to the cafe.

Me: Yay! We get to go on a date!

Hubby: Yes. It's good. 

Scene Two: Enter Waiter - Caffeine introduction 

Waiter: Would you like some coffee or drink to start with?

Me: Piccolo please. (Coffee!)

Hubby: Cappucino.

Scene Three: The Order. Decisions made.

Waiter: Are you ready to order or do you need some more time?

Me: We're ready. (A tad too excited. I am sure my eyes were shining!) I will have the Banoffee French Toast please. 

Waiter: Of course you will. (Smile)

Me: And a side of bacon please. (Big smile.)

Waiter: Of course, bacon. Do you like it crispy?

Me: Ooh, yes please! (I actually clasped my hand together.) 

Waiter: French toast and bacon go so well together.

Me: Everything goes well with bacon. (Grin.)

Waiter: And what would you like? 

Hubby: I'll have the Eggs As You Like please. Fried. 

Scene Four: Inquisitive minds beckon the waiter to the table...

Me: What was the dish that was just served on the counter?

Waiter: It was the special of the day. The Moreton Bay Bug Roll. It comes with a potato with tarragon salad and topped with crispy sweet potato. And of course, chips.

Hubby: Will that be available tomorrow?

Waiter: I'm afraid it's only for today.

Me: Ooh, can you still eat some more Babes? Let's try it!

Hubby: Okay, we'll have one to share please.

Waiter: Of course. (Smile.) You'll like it.

End scene.

So, that side of bacon did come out crispy! And the Banoffee French Toast was amaze balls! 
And Hubby was more than happy with his dish! 
And the extra third plate we ordered at the end? Perfection!

They say three is a crowd? I say, it sits in our tummies just right. Burp.

We came.

We saw.

We ate.

We were very happy!

Roll the credits while we digest and sit and smile and reminisce how delicious everything was.